Three Quick Tips For Tax Returns From The Canada Revenue Agency

If you don’t file your tax returns in time, you will have to pay a fine. This in itself is an acceptable excuse to pay taxes quickly. If you have not yet paid taxes, please consult an accountant in Toronto. Another fact is that doing this now can save you time and will make you angry in the future. With this in mind, here are three tax tips on the CRA website:

Tip # 1: Pay taxes electronically

In general, electronic declaration is preferable to mailing. The explanation is that electronic archiving makes the process faster. It may take a week to send a letter. Electronic archiving is instantaneous. This will affect the time required for tax assessment. Essentially, this determines the time it takes to receive a refund. Therefore, you can register electronically as needed. You’ll get your money back soon!

Tip # 2: Apply for credits and commissions.

You may use your return to claim partial deductions and deductions, such as RRSP donations and charitable donations. All this is good. But you may be able to give more powerful reasons. There are many tax deductions for family office space, tuition fees, student loan interest, etc. The more you apply, the less you pay. If you are not sure, consult an accountant. He will help you confirm what deductions and credits you are eligible for.

Tip 3: Don’t forget to invest!

Finally, don’t forget to report investment income when you file your tax returns with the Canada Revenue Agency. The CRA receives this information from banks and brokers, but is also responsible for including it in tax returns. Failure to report may result in penalties or fines.

You can save a lot of money by filing the investment tax carefully. Stocks are very creditable and can save you a lot of money. If you file your tax returns correctly, both credits can be used.

Suppose you are on iShares S and amp. P/TSX60 Index Fund(TSX: XIU). Large TSX portfolio with 2.5% dividend yield. The income from an investment of $100000 will be converted into an annual dividend of $2500. That’s a lot of money. You may think you have to pay a lot of taxes for it. But please reconsider. Dividends qualify for significant tax relief. The dividend increased by 38% to $3450. The total amount will receive a 15% tax credit. What is the end result? $517 tax credit! Through a regular intermediary account, no RRSP or TFSA is required!

The status of capital gains tax may also be further relaxed. If you make 10%($10000) profit from XIU stock, you only need to pay half of the tax. Contrary to labor income, the tax rate is basically reduced by half. This is a considerable tax savings, but only if you pay taxes on time. If you don’t, the fine will eat up your savings.